search engine optimization

The year 2020 will bring numerous changes within the world of paid search (PPC). Adjust your client's PPC objectives accordingly for positive results.
A robots.txt is a text file that instructs web robots on how to crawl pages on a website. . The robots.txt serves as a road map to bots on how they should crawl the website and if there are any resources on the website that should be excluded.
Learn the basics and best practices of adding alt text to images, and why it’s important for optimizing your site for SEO.
A crawl budget is an integral component to Search Engine Optimization. A crawl budget is how many pages get crawled and indexed on a given website in a specific amount of time.
When optimizing your YouTube video nowadays, it is important to not just think about YouTube but to consider optimizing for Google. These 5 simple elements can help give your video a chance to end up at the top a SERP on Google.
Web designers and SEO specialists should work together in building and designing websites that work well for both users and search engines, this will allow them to make design elements successful for crawlers and conversions.
Images and videos are important for creating an engaging website, but can also slow down your page.
Attribution modeling in Google Analytics tracks where conversions come from and what source should get the credit. Learn more about the best attribution model for B2B companies.
The result of good SEO is an increase in quality and quantity of traffic to a website via organic search. Long-tail keywords are a big part of making that happen!
Learn how to build the foundation of a successful B2B SEO strategy. Part 1 of a 5 part series.