Content Strategy + SEO

Time to Read: 3m 4s

As someone who has a personal blog, I understand the importance of content. Words matter. Stories matter. The connection to my target audience (and often those outside of my target audience) relies heavily on the content that I publish. Some posts are well-received with high reader engagement while others tend to struggle with little engagement overall. Much of this has to do with how universal the subject matter is, as well as when I decide to publish/post on social media. With my blog being in its infancy, the foothold I have via SEO is non-existent, however its importance is not lost on me. Trust, relevance, and authority are all fundamental aspects of SEO strategy, not only to a small blogger like me, but to any business.

The Importance of Content Strategy

Many businesses understand the importance of having a website. A website allows a prospective customer/client to learn about your business and what you have to offer. Beyond this, quality content not only informs the reader about your services, product lines, and things like how to contact you, it also offers an individual a glimpse into your brand. First impressions are important, maybe even more so online. Is your website riddled with grammatical and spelling errors? Do you have a homepage that invites the reader to look further into your products or capabilities? Is your content informational or is it strictly sales-based rhetoric? How does your competition stack up in terms of content? These are relevant questions that tie back into content strategy.  As someone who looks at businesses from this type of lens, how information is presented is just as important to me as how easy it is to navigate through a site. Thinking along these lines allows you to think about your potential customer and how your website’s content can work for you.

Strategic Content Advantages

  • Having product pages that include a mix of informational and transactional content
  • Consistent messaging across your website, enabling your business and your message to shine through
  • Images and clickable links that allow for user engagement
Strategic content allows you to market yourself in a way that can set you apart from your competitors, in addition to building authority (think authenticity), trust, and relevance-those foundational aspects of SEO. Increasing the likelihood of being chosen by prospective customers can greatly impact your website’s traffic. For example, if a prospective customer is searching for hiking boots, which site would they choose? A site where there’s information about the boots (materials used, benefits, multiple photos) along with return policy information on the product page or from a site that has an image, little information, and no return policy information that is easily readable/accessible? Being chosen can mean an increase in traffic which can result in a higher level of engagement, as well as a potential increase in sales.

The Impact of Quality Content

Thinking in terms of sales, how much of a difference would 5 additional sales mean? What about 15? While SEO cannot guarantee an increase in sales (run away from anyone who guarantees this), utilizing strategic content to connect with your target audience can positively affect not just your SEO score, but also market and brand your business in the best way possible. Make a great first impression with content that speaks to the right client/customer, at the right time, with the right message. With some industries being incredibly competitive, having quality content could be what separates you from your competition. While it may not be the most exciting aspect of SEO, content strategy should play a foundational role in every SEO program.

Written by: Katie Anderson, Digital Marketing Specialist, Ecreative