Google Shopping Feed Pushes GTIN Deadline to 2017

Time to Read: 1m 15s

But You Should Still Add them Now

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Marketers who display products in Google Shopping Feed got a reprieve today. The deadline to add GTINs to Google Shopping Feed passed on May 16th, 2016. However, Google has decided to extend this deadline – to February 14th, 2017. However, just because this e-Valentine gives you 10 months of clemency doesn’t mean you should wait that long. There are numerous benefits to adding GTINs to Google Shopping Feed products and the sooner you do so, the sooner you can reap.

GTINs Boost Conversions

Adding GTINs to your products can lead to a 20% increase in conversions. Why? Because GTINs make it easier for Google to identify what type of product you’re selling, which in turn makes it easier for Google to target the people who are most likely to buy it.

Your Ads Will Appear in More Places

Products with GTINs appear on more places in Google. They also appear in Google partner sites like YouTube, increasing the chances that a qualified lead will see your ad.

What are GTINs?

A GTIN is a Global Trade Item Number, such as:
  • UPC
  • EAN
  • JAN
  • ISBN
  • ITF-14
Read more about GTINs in our post from May, “New Rule: As of May 16th, Google Shopping Feed will Require GTINs.”


Why wait until the 2017 deadline to add GTINs to your products in Google Shopping Feed when you can experience the benefits today? If you need assistance with this task, be sure to contact Ecreative. Our team can make certain that your GTINs are added correctly. Photo credit: basykes via / CC BY