A Guide to Part Number Builders for Industrial E-Commerce Sites

Time to Read: 4m 30s

A website is a sales rep or sales engineer that works 24-7. However, just like individual salespeople, some e-commerce sites are better than others. What makes one site more powerful than a competitor? It often boils down to one question: how easy is it to find what I need on this site? Over the years, web developers have generated several different methods for helping users find what they want on e-commerce sites: filtering, parametric search, configurators and part number builders. If you’re looking for a powerful option that can handle a large and complex catalog of parts, a part builder may just be the right choice for your site.

What are Part Number Builders and How Do They Work?

Ford's website lets you build your ideal truck. Part Number Builders let your customers do the same. Ford's website lets you build your ideal truck. Part Number Builders let your customers do the same.[/caption] On Ford’s website, there are two options: let Ford find the right truck for you or build your own. The build-your-own option lets you select different options from each of the following categories:
  • Cab
  • Box
  • Engine
  • Drive
  • Towing
  • Payload
  • Rear axle ratio
  • Transmission
There are multiple options within each of these categories, and you can select exactly what you want for each one, creating a truck that truly meets your needs. Each selection alters the image of the truck that’s displayed on the page as well as the price so you get a crystal-clear idea of what you’re buying. This is how part number builders work. They’re a great option for industrial e-commerce sites that carry complex parts.

Eliminating the ‘Null’ Result

Nothing annoys engineers more than ‘null’ results. In the Ford example, there are some attributes that cannot be combined with others. For instance, you cannot combine a regular cab with 5.5’ box. When you try to combine them, the site says ‘combination not available.’ This is similar to the ‘null’ result you get in parametric search when you combine attributes that aren’t available together. Part number builders eliminate this scenario by creating ‘dependencies.’ For instance, if a certain model is only available with 12-inch housing, then the part builder will automatically set the ‘housing’ field to ’12 inches’ when the user selects that model number. This means users only see the options that are available, as opposed to ones that aren’t. If we had designed Ford’s build-your-own option, users would not even be able to select a 5.5’ box after choosing a regular cab.

Admin Panel

There’s an old saying: “Easy reading is damned hard writing.” The same applies to part number builders. Making it easy for users to find what they want on the front end takes a lot of hard work on the back end. That being said, the part builder admin is simple to use for anyone who is willing to invest the time. For each product attribute, you can create the exact field you need. For example, is the product available in a wide range of colors? If so, you can create a drop down menu listing every color available. If it is available in centimeters or inches, then you can create a radio button that allows the user to choose between the two. If the user needs to specify a certain length, then you can create a text field that allows them to add positive integer between 1 and 99. Part number builders are extremely complicated – that’s how we’re able to make millions of possible part combinations available online. Because the complexity is so great, I won’t go too far into detail at this point; suffice it to say that it’s this ability to drill down to the most granular details that makes part number builders such a powerful search tool.

Advantages of Part Number Builders

  • Unlimited combinations: To populate data for filtering, an older e-commerce method, you have to first add that data to an Excel spreadsheet. The problem with Excel spreadsheets is that there are only so many combinations you can add to one. After a certain point, you can’t add anymore data without starting a new spreadsheet, and filtering doesn’t work with multiple spreadsheets. Part number builders allow for unlimited combinations. Even if there are more than a million possible combinations, the part builder can accommodate them.
  • Unparalleled accuracy: With so many combinations and complex features, it’s very easy to make mistakes when entering parts into catalog. That is why so many engineers prefer to do the work themselves. Part number builders feature an admin panel with an interface that is super straight-forward and easy to use so engineers can add the parts themselves, ensuring that each one is entered correctly.
  • Reference tool for sales people and engineers: Just as it’s all too easy to make mistakes when adding parts into an online catalog, it’s easy for sales people to make mistakes when writing up quotes for customers. A part builder lets sales people access accurate information about parts and prices from anywhere – all they need is a laptop.

Learn More about Part Number Builders

If you’re interested in the learning about the finer details of part builders – the details we didn’t include in this post – contact Ecreative today. We’ll be happy to discuss the capabilities, complexities and merits of part builders. Photo credit: A Train via Foter.com / CC BY-ND