Don't Panic Over the News About Panda

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Should You Worry about Google's Latest Algorithm Updates?

You may have heard that Google has rolled out significant changes to its algorithm. You may even have received phone calls from SEO firms using scare tactics, telling you that this update will tank your website. Rest assured that Ecreative is on top of this news. quotescover-JPG-54 According to industry insiders, Google will pay “more attention to site quality signals than ever before.” That means sites with subpar content are likely to suffer a drop in rankings. In an effort to combat the rampant problem of bad advice floating around online, Google is now demanding that articles on certain topics be written by “experts.” While this mostly impacts things like medical and legal advice, it may cause a stir for e-commerce sites as well. While it’s too soon to tell whether this update will impact industrial websites – it seems to be aimed at consumer-facing sites – we’re keeping track of the latest developments. In the meantime, stay calm. We’ve seen many updates come and go without wreaking the havoc that some experts predicted. No matter what this update brings, we’ll be here to keep you informed.

Other Upcoming Google Algorithm Updates

Recently, a Google analyst tweeted news that an updated version of the Penguin algorithm is set to launch "within weeks." We have no idea how many weeks; we may see changes before Valentine's Day, we may not -- the change is supposed to launch this quarter, but Google won't say exactly when. No matter what, we're keeping our ears to the ground for any more news. Penguin is designed to target link spam, which means marketers can't just post links to their sites anywhere they want -- like spaces that don't relate at all to their industry or product -- and call it good. After Penguin rolled out initially, many SEOs were forced to "disavow" inappropriate links. The last Penguin update didn't affect very many English queries in the US. We won't know much about the impact of this latest update until it rolls out.

Why Are There So Many Updates?

These updates are meant to encourage SEOs to stick with tactics that are above board; gaming the system won't get your site to the #1 spot in the SERPs. But quality will.