How to Write a Great Industrial 'About Us' Page

Time to Read: 2m 15s

tell-your-story-1 Some people love to talk about themselves, but others are a little more bashful. If you're having trouble filling your 'About Us' page, you're not alone. It can be a daunting project for a lot of people. Fortunately, there's a simple trick that can help you get it done quickly and give readers a detailed snapshot of your company and your brand. Many people are intimidated by the blank page. You can get past that very easily by making the page smaller. How? It's simple: divide the page into sections. Focus on filling each section instead of the entire page. Not only will it make the task of writing your 'About Us' page seem easier, it will also help you complete it more quickly. For industrial companies, 'About Us' pages should contain a minimum of three sections that contain information about important aspects of your company: your company's history, facility and team.

Company History

If your company has been around since the 1960s, this should be relatively easy. Start at the beginning and talk about how you've evolved through the decades, and offer your potential customers a rich impression of your company. For newer companies, this is a little harder. If you established your company in 2013, you might not want to advertise that -- and that's fine. Instead of focusing on dates, think back to the moment you decided to start your company. What sparked you to do it? What chain of events led to the opening of your doors? You might just be surprised to see how interesting your story really is.


Do you have a 40,000 square foot facility that has its lights on 24-7? Make sure people know. Did you buy an old building and retrofit it in an innovative way? Let people know. Do you offer tooling in-house? People need to know about that. Even if all you have is a simple facility, write a sentence or two to describe it. It helps give people a clear picture of who you are and make a stronger connection with your brand.


Your greatest asset is your team. Your people are the engine that keeps your company running. Your 'About Us' page offers you space to brag about them. Your engineers, machinists and technicians work hard and they know their stuff. Give them the shout-out they deserve.

Other Relevant Information

Once you've filled out these sections, you can call it a day, but you don't have to. Some other sections you may want to add to your page include:
  • Mission statement
  • Geographical location
  • Company culture
  • Partnerships
  • Industries served
  • Awards
  • News & Announcements

Still Stuck?

Let Ecreative help. We'll schedule a brief interview to help uncover the most important -- and interesting -- aspects of your company and write up a killer 'About Us' page. Photo credit: Damian Gadal via / CC BY