Local Left Linking and Faceted Search: Can You Have Both?

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hand in hand Clients sometimes ask: "Does adding faceted search to our site mean we have to get rid of our local left navigation?" The answer is no. In fact, you shouldn't get rid of it. Both local left navigation and faceted search provide essential aid to customers searching for the right product. Take a look at just about any major retailer's site, and you'll see that local left linking and faceted search work in tandem.

How do Local Left and Faceted Search Work Together?

The local left navigation looks something like this: local left navigation   It helps direct customers to the category of products they are looking for. Once customers enter a category, faceted search can take over and help them drill down to find the exact product they need. The local left linking above helps the customers find "screws." The faceted search below helps them find the right screw. faceted search   Faceted search is a great thing to have on any e-commerce site. But getting rid of local left navigation when you add faceted search is to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Your site will perform optimally when you have both because they complement each other so well.

What if I Don't Add Faceted Search to My Site?

The reality is, faceted search is the future of e-commerce. If you don't add it to your site, you risk falling behind the competition. Ever been to deadmalls.com? It's a site dedicated to chronicling the demise of the American shopping mall. Back in the 1980s, suburban shopping malls were the place to shop. Where else could you get a new pair of jeans, cassette tapes, an Orange Julius and a movie ticket all under the same roof? As online shopping became more and more popular, people began to realize that driving to the mall, fighting for a parking spot and being bombarded with Muzak just wasn't worth it. Malls shuttered -- because the stores in them made more money online. Today, those stores have sophisticated sites that feature innovated web design elements like -- you guessed it! -- local left linking and faceted search. Whether you sell Nike sneakers or vented screws, the lesson is the same: adapt to changes in the marketplace or die. The smartest thing you can do is invest in faceted search now and stay ahead of the curve.

I'm Ready to Add Faceted Search to My Site

Great! Contact Ecreative to get started. Photo credit: marfis75 via Foter.com / CC BY-SA