Make Every Day Manufacturing Day!

Time to Read: 2m 16s

[caption id="attachment_3786" align="aligncenter" width="300"]The work of several different manufacturers made this delicious donut machine possible! The work of several different manufacturers made this delicious donut machine possible![/caption] Manufacturing Day 2015 has come and gone; the day was commemorated on October 2nd. But just because MFG Day is over for this year doesn't mean you have to wait another year to participate. You can host a Manufacturing Day event any day of the year!

Types of Manufacturing Day Events

Facility tours: Destroy the myth that manufacturing is grubby, dark and boring by throwing open the doors to your facility and letting people take a tour. Show off your state-of-the-art machinery and the top-notch skills of your team. Give people a chance to see that manufacturing jobs can be cutting-edge, exciting and fun. Presentations: You can host a presentation onsite, online or offsite. AWMI - MN hosted a presentation at Jax Cafe in Minneapolis that included dinner. Très swanky! A virtual presentation is a great idea if safety concerns prevent you from allowing people to visit your actual facility. Job Fairs: What's the best way to convince young people that manufacturing jobs are an excellent career path? Host a job fair. Let young people meet your engineers and technicians. Show them what working for you is like. Education Fairs: High schools, tech schools and community colleges host career fairs all throughout the year. Make sure that your company has a presence at these fairs, and you'll get a chance to connect with a wide range of young people. Celebrations: Celebrate everything that's great about manufacturing -- hard work, innovation, quality -- by hosting a party! Sponsor a Halloween party, a Christmas fete or just a lunch or dinner. Everyone likes a good celebration. What better way to demonstrate your company's awesomeness?

Why Participate in Manufacturing Day?

You have probably already asked yourself why you should bother setting up an event like this. It will take a lot work, time and money, and you're already very busy. Here's one very excellent reason to do it:
MFG DAY addresses common misperceptions about manufacturing by giving manufacturers an opportunity to open their doors and show, in a coordinated effort, what manufacturing is — and what it isn’t. (See more at
By conquering negative myths about manufacturing, you can pave the way for a better future for manufacturers all over the country.

Safety and Confidentiality Concerns

If you're worried that allowing people to tour your facility could be problematic due to safety issues or customer confidentiality issues, you have the option of doing virtual events, invite-only events or both. You can show the world what your company does without compromising safety or confidentiality. Remember, there's no need to wait until next October to host one of these wonderful events. Host it any day of the year! Photo credit: chadmiller / Foter / CC BY-SA