How Long Does it Take to See SEO Results?

Time to Read: 1m 50s

dog waiting
Waiting is the hardest part. When you invest a lot of time and money into optimizing your website, it's only natural to feel anxious to see results. However, it's important to keep in mind that you won't see results over night.

What's the Minimum?

It varies. The time it takes to see results from SEO depends largely on the condition of your current site. If you have a URL that's 10 years old and have consistently posted good content, you might see results from SEO within weeks. For a brand new site, results can take up to 6 months.

SEO Snowball Effect

While a few months is the minimum, it can take much longer for SEO to show its full effect. SEO often has a snowball effect that goes something like this: you improve your website, people spend more time on it because they have an easier time finding what they need, Google sees that users are spending more time on your site and moves the site up in the rankings. When your site moves up in the rankings, even more people see it, spend even more time on it, and Google moves it up in the rankings again. As you can imagine, all this takes time.

What You Can Do in the Mean Time

While you're waiting to see improvements in your site's performance, there are plenty of things you can do to boost your digital marketing efforts, such as:

What to Watch Out For

Any SEO company that promises you results fast is one that you want to avoid. A reputable SEO company will promise to make every effort to improve your site's ranking, but will never, ever guarantee improvement. If someone promises to make your site #1 in a month, run screaming in the other direction.

What Does it Mean to See SEO Results?

How can you tell whether your site is getting results? Look at two factors: traffic and conversions (RFQs, contact forms, requests for case studies/whitepapers, etc.). Learn more about what it means to see SEO results -- and how long it might take to see results for your site -- by contacting Ecreative today. Photo credit: It'sGreg / Foter / CC BY-ND