The Other Mobile-Friendly Update: Bing

Time to Read: 1m 35s

No, not this Bing -- the OTHER Bing. Google spends a lot of time in the spotlight, but it's not the only search engine in town; Bing's influence continues to grow, and in its effort to keep pace with Google, Bing has announced that it will roll out a mobile-friendly update of its own. According to Search Engine Land, Bing has already started testing "mobile-friendly" labels, but has not given a date for when the update will roll out. Bing is planning to launch its own mobile-friendly test tool.

It's Not Mobilegeddon 2.0 - There's No Need to Panic

Google's mobile-friendly update -- Mobilegeddon -- caused quite a stir. By contrast, Bing is doing what it can to avoid creating a stir. If you experienced anxiety leading up to Google's update, rest assured that there's no need to reach for the Xanax. Bing has stated that it will prioritize relevance over mobile-friendliness, so as long as your website is relevant to the topic that a Bing user is searching for, your site will show up in the results, mobile-friendly or not. (What this does, mean, however, is that you have to make sure you've got good SEO, so that when someone searches for your product or service, Bing users find it!)

Is Bing Part of Your Internet Marketing Strategy? It Ought to Be!

If you haven't taken Bing into consideration when planning your internet marketing strategy, you should start doing so. Many Ecreative have seen good results with Bing. Moreover, Bing ads are much cheaper than Google ads, which means Bing ads are a great option for companies that just can't afford to advertise on Google. We've written about the benefits of Bing before. Because all evidence points to Bing's continued growth, we can state in even stronger terms that to ignore Bing is to leave money (and traffic and conversions and leads) on the table. Photo credit: classic film scans / Foter / CC BY