5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Content

Time to Read: 2m 15s

[caption id="attachment_3443" align="aligncenter" width="300"]better content With a little work, you can spruce up your content and make it move inviting, like this room.[/caption] Your site isn't ranking as highly as you'd like it to and you're not getting the conversions that you want. You know you need to make your website better but you don't have a lot of time that you can set aside for working on the site. Fortunately, these small changes can have a huge impact without taking time away from other important work. 1. Fix grammar and spelling mistakes. According to Amy Gesenhues at Marketing Land, 69% of websites suffer from bad grammar and incorrect spelling. With numbers like this, the odds are pretty high that your site is one of them. Poor grammar and spelling make you look, at best, unprofessional. Set aside an hour or two to comb through your site's content and correct any misspelled words, grammatical mistakes or misused punctuation. If editing isn't your thing, hire an editor who will do it for you. The downside of this approach is that it will cost you. But on the up side, it will save you even more time. 2. Break up content with headers. People don't read webpages the same way they read novels; they scan webpages, hoping to find the information they're looking for as quickly as possible. Webpages that consist of large blocks of text are hard on the eyes, and lose users' attention. Breaking up content with relevant and keyword-containing H2 headers can make the content easier to scan and improve your ranking. 3. Check your meta descriptions. Google has said over and over that meta descriptions don't impact SEO -- but a well-written meta description can improve your click-through rate. If you're looking for a simple way to give your site a boost, try writing new meta descriptions. 4. Add images. Your page has no images? Don't you know that images can be a boon to SEO? Add relevant images, and be sure to optimize them. 5. Expand. We're not saying you should obsess about word counts, but if your page barely cracks 100 words, you should consider adding more content to it. One of the fastest and easiest ways to beef up a page is to added a padded bulleted or numbered list. What's a padded numbered list, you ask? Why, just like the one you're reading now! Think of five benefits you can provide to your clients, list them, and add a 2-3 sentence explanation for each one. Easy, peasy, lemon-squeezy. Each of these can be accomplished two hours, max. So what's stopping you from making your content the best it can be? Get to work! Photo credit: Hey Paul Studios / Source / CC BY