Spring Cleaning: 7 Signs Your Site is Overdue for a Redesign

Time to Read: 2m 10s

[caption id="attachment_3361" align="aligncenter" width="300"]ecreativeworks website 2004 This is what our site looked like more than 10 years ago.[/caption] Look closely at the image above. It's a screenshot of what ecreativeworks.com looked like in 2004. This was cutting-edge design in 2004, but now it looks stale, boring and hopelessly out of date. We moved on, and so did most everyone else, but some people still have websites that look like this, or worse. If your site design is 10 years old -- or older -- you need a new design. doctor  

7 Signs it's Time for a New Website

Maybe your site isn't old and creaky. But odds are you still need to update it. Not sure if it's time yet? Here are 10 signs: 1. It takes forever to load. Longer than 5 seconds is too long. Most users do not have the patience to wait for a site that takes a long time to load, and will leave your site for one that loads faster. 2. The site doesn't work. Your drop down menus don't function properly. Links are broken. Images are broken. 404s as far as the eye can see. Your site needs a redesign, and it needs it bad. 3. Your site has obsolete widgets. Your site should not have share buttons for MySpace or Digg, or RSS feed icons. Anything that you put on your site during a trend surge during the '90s or '00s needs to go. 4. Your site is built on outdated technology.  Most sites being built today use HTML5. If your site isn't built on HTML5, it's time to start thinking about redesigning it. 5. The copyright in the footer is more than 3 years old.  Before people buy from you, they need to trust you. If potential customers see that you haven't updated your site in a long time, they'll question whether or not they can put their trust in you. 6. The site ranks low -- or doesn't rank at all -- in Google. Google rewards sites that are updated frequently. If Google is ignoring you, it could be because its sorely in need of an update. 7. It's not responsive. Google has already begun to add "mobile-friendly" tags to sites that have responsive design. Later this month, Google will begin to give priority to these sites in mobile searches. If you don't have a responsive design, you will lose business to competitors who do. If your site has failed one or more of these tests, Ecreative can bring it up-to-date again. Learn more about our website redesign services by contacting Ecreative today.