Smartphone Conversions are On the Rise

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All the More Reason to Make Your Site Responsive

[caption id="attachment_3229" align="alignleft" width="300"]mobile phone Photo credit: mikogo / Foter / CC BY[/caption] Search Engine Land reports that in the 4th quarter of 2014, smartphones continued invade into desktop territory. That means the share of people viewing your content on desktop computers is dropping -- and so is your desktop conversion rate. Desktop conversions are down by 10.1% to be exact. To recapture that 10% loss, you'll have to reach people on tablets and smartphones:
[S]martphone ad impression share rose 4.8 percent, clicks share was up 5.5 percent and ad spend share increased 4.8 percent. Conversion share from smartphones jumped 9.6 percent. Tablets made marginal gains: impression and click share each increased 1.4 percent, spend share rose 1.3 percent and conversion share ticked up just 0.5 percent. (Via Search Engine Land)
These numbers may seem small, but imagine that the 10.1% drop in desktop conversions directly correlated with a 10% drop in revenue. Wouldn't you wish that you hadn't ignored the growth of conversions on mobile devices? Wouldn't you wish you had opted to make your site responsive?

Responsive Design = Mobile Conversions

If your site doesn't have responsive design, that doesn't mean it can't or won't garner mobile conversions. However, the percentage of conversions on mobile devices increases dramatically once you implement responsive design. In one example, an e-commerce site experienced significant gains across a range of mobile platforms. And the gains were not limited to conversions: the store saw an increase in revenue as well. The numbers speak for themselves: (From Conversion XL)
The popular e-commerce store O´Neill Clothing racked up some impressive results after implementing responsive design. O`Neill monitored conversions, transactions and revenue for three weeks prior to going responsive. Then, after deploying the responsive conditions to the already live site, they monitored the same metrics for another three weeks. The results are staggering: For iPhone/iPad:
  • Conversions increased by 65.71%
  • Transactions increased by 112.50%
  • Revenue increased by 101.25%
For Android devices:
  • Conversions increased by 407.32%
  • Transactions went up by 333.33%
  • Revenue increased by a whopping 591.42%
A 700% increase in mobile revenue? Why would you ignore the potential of that revenue stream? You might not see these numbers exactly, but when you make your site responsive, you are almost guaranteed to see an increase of some kind. Responsive design pays for itself. And if you don't do it now, you'll be kicking yourself when the share of desktop conversions drops even further. It's not too late yet, though. If you're ready to take that step, and maximize your mobile conversion rate, contact Ecreative to learn more about responsive design.