Do YouTube

Time to Read: 2m 30s

Smart Strategies for Video Marketing

Many of our clients are curious about YouTube marketing. Indeed, YouTube can be a very effective way to help people understand what you do and how you can help them. But once you've made the decision to add YouTube to your marketing strategy, how do you leverage it effectively? Our client, CMS North America, employs a very smart YouTube strategy. Just by scrolling through their YouTube channel, you can see exactly what CMS North America does, and the broad range of industries that the company serves. Now that you're ready to shoot a video, what do you say once the camera starts rolling? To help you get an idea of the different types of videos you can make, I've chosen three videos from CMS North America's YouTube channel.

Worth 1,000 Words

This video features no narration, just a sound track and great visuals. You'll see how CMS North America's CNC machines make guitars, pianos, and many other instruments. Make a video that demonstrates what your product does and how it works, and let the product speak for itself.

Let the Client take Center Stage

In this video, CMS North America steps back into the wings and lets their client, Bay Area Granite and Marble, stand in the spotlight. The General Manager and Production Manager of Bay Area Granite and Marble discuss their company's transition from hand tools to CNC machines and their reason for choosing CMS North America to be their supplier of CNC technology. You'll notice that these guys aren't reading from a script -- their speech is very conversational and very natural. That kind of candor is important if you want your video to help establish trust with potential clients. Reach out to your most loyal clients and give one of them a turn in the limelight. Their words and images will carry twice as much weight as your own.

Brand Recognition

Italian car manufacturer, Alfa Romeo, relies on CNC technology to build its sought-after cars. This video shows just how large a role CMS North America's CNC machining plays in the process. Pretty rad, right? If you have a well-known client who relies on your product, ask them to star in one of your videos.

Rock it in the Comments

Food Heaven Show is not one of our clients, but it is a superb YouTube channel that I encourage you to check out. The videos are informative and fun, but killing it on YouTube doesn't stop once you've uploaded the video. Notice how the creators of this channel respond to nearly every comment on their videos. This helps foster a connection and build trust as well as a large follower base. Show people that you're a real person by responding to their comments and answering their questions, and they'll come back for more.

YouTube Marketing for 2015

If you're ready to get started on your YouTube strategy but need some help getting out of the gate, our Internet Marketing Specialists at Ecreative can help you get off on the right foot. Contact Ecreative for more details.