Measure Your Website Performance with a Website Audit

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Slowly but surely, we're moving into the territory where everyone realizes they need a website in order to effectively promote their business. We've evolved from thumbing through pages upon pages of Yellowbook listings, ripping out pages and throwing darts at listings, to identifying what we want, searching for it, and finding the most relevant options online. And this is great! Hurray for the future! But not all websites are created equal. And when they are not, especially if YOURS is not, then you may be losing out on new potential business for your company. But don't worry. Ecreative offers a comprehensive website audit and analysis that will take your website - any website, big or small, good or bad - and run it through the wringer to determine how strong it is, what improvements need to be made, and specific steps you could take today in order to get there. Let's learn more. Ecreative' website audit is a comprehensive website audit for any type of business, but is particularly effective for B2B companies looking to get a grasp on how their website is performing. From on-site and off-site technical check ins to your link profile and ecommerce structure, we strip your website down to its bare bones and see where improvement needs to be made, but also point out what has been most effective for you. Here are some of the highlights:


Think of your website in terms of a human body. Ever person needs to have good health, strong bones, functioning immune system, and lustrous hair (I made that hair one up ... Probably) in order to live a long, satisfying life. The Technical Audit of your website will look at the same areas, but for your website. Checking the number of pages of your site which are indexed by search engines will let us know if you're missing a bone on your website, or reviewing the unique properties of your meta tags to let search engines know what your pages are about is like making sure you have functioning vocal chords. From basic HTML coding, image presentations, meta tags, and more, we'll cover the "bare bones" of your website and make sure that - if all else fails - your website is held together with super glue instead of rubber cement and painters tape.


If we've already reviewed the brawn of your website, then we need to check the brains of it, too. Think of the Healthy Website Checklist section in our website audit as an update on how your life long education you've been paying for has paid off. In the same manner, understand that there are different levels of education throughout a persons' life, just like there are different advanced levels of checklist items to ensure your website is healthy. From grade-school basics of on-site interlinking and navigation structure, to advanced placement courses in high school like proper site redirects and canonical parameters set up around product pages, you need to make sure you were paying attention in class while building your website, and not just scribbling love letters. Beyond the K-12 education, you become more self aware, just as your website does once you stop focusing internally, and start understanding how outside factors can influence you (or your website). Brand presence around the web is like taking those final credits for your major in college, while checking the ability your site has to track conversions to measure your return on investment is when you finally receive your PhD dissertation back with minimal corrections. You've finally done it! You're done with school! Now, it's time for your website to go out in the real world.


So we've already audited your website for it's physical and mental health, but what about your social health? That's where a Link Competition Profile comes into play. This is a unique offering from Ecreative, as we realize that good website health is also like good human health - it involves not just YOU, but the people AROUND you as well. With that in mind, we work with you on identifying possible competitors and helping situate you in the market community with your competitors. The Link Competition Profile helps identify how many links you and your competitors have pointing back to your sites, the quality of links, and more. Think of it as understanding how many cards are in your rolodex (those are still things, right?) or Facebook friends you have versus your competitors, or what booth you get at a trade show in comparison to your competitors. It helps place your site into context on the internet, but more specifically, in context on the internet in relation to your competitors, which is likely the biggest difference maker.


For B2B and industrial websites, we offer a more comprehensive website audit section which helps you understand your site's usability, performance, and functionality from several different perspectives. Ecreative understands there are many different eyes upon a website, like engineers or specifiers and purchasers and decision makers. Different kinds of information on products and services will appeal differently to these people. If I had to stretch the "healthy body check-up" analogy a little further, let's call this section the area where we've already determined your physical, mental, and social health, but now we want to help you play the game a bit better. We'll teach you how you can dress up for a night at the local watering hole with the neighbors, but also how to be appealing when gussying up for a high profile, black tie event. Being versatile is important in both scenarios, and of course, it's not different for your website.


But what good would this website audit be if you didn't know where to go afterwards? Similarly, what's the use of going to the doctor's for a check-up if they don't tell you what to do to get better? Ecreative offers both short and long term recommendations to make sure your website performs well for many, many years. Some items we recommend you'll be able to do yourself today, some may be long term projects. Whether you can do them all yourself or if you need help by using Ecreative' "Website Marketing" services, we can help you get started. Complete our Website Audit form today to get started, and let us help you get a clean bill of health.