Do Custom Work? Make Sure Web Visitors Know

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Many clients we work with here at Ecreative are industrial manufacturers. A good number of them also create custom-made products in addition to their everyday offerings. For a select few, custom manufacturing is all they do. It’s a far more involved process, to be sure, but custom manufacturing can be a boon to business, as it often leads to a higher profit margin and longer-term business relationships than “standard” manufacturing. One mistake many who offer custom manufacturing frequently make, however, is neglecting to make these services known to their website’s visitors. Often, the only mention of their custom manufacturing capabilities is a single paragraph on a page that details their other manufacturing services. Sometimes, they’ll repeat their custom spiel across several pages, but still only give it a few sentences per instance. A far better tactic is to dedicate an entire page of your site to your custom manufacturing capabilities. There are several benefits to a dedicated page: First, and most obviously, you can  give visitors to your site a thorough understanding of your custom capabilities. Second, it can enhance your SEO efforts by giving you the opportunity to focus on applicable keywords. Both of these factors can help improve your conversions and your search engine rankings. (You can also use your keywords as anchor-text links to your custom manufacturing page from other pages on your site to further boost your SEO mojo.) custom manifolds Above is an example of a relatively simple, yet effective, webpage for custom-manufactured products. It clearly demonstrates Pneumadyne’s capabilities, including the various customizable features of their manifolds and the materials from which they can be produced. Ample information is provided, without being overly elaborate or wordy. And, most important, the big, red “Request for Quote” button—an essential feature of any webpage selling custom-made goods (you can’t just “Add to Cart” if the product is being built to custom specifications!). Need help maximizing the impact of your company’s custom manufacturing capabilities online? Contact Ecreative for website design, search engine optimization, and more!